Writer's block is a widely known phenomenon amongst writers, when you feel completely stuck, out of ideas, and wondering not where the next book or poem or chapter will come from, but where the next SENTENCE will come from.
It's times like this when your creative writing feels in need of a serious boost of energy and inspiration, something to rejuvenate it to the kind of levels you've produced before, and can do again.
So here are 5 top ways to give your writing a new lease of life. You can start putting them into action today:
1. Experiment with some creative writing prompts. Prompts simply provide a starting point for your writing, a new direction to head in that you might not have tried before. Once you get started, your writing is all your own, you're free to create and write in whichever way it takes you. That initial prompt gives the little boost you need to get the creative writing ideas flowing once more.
2. Start small and keep it short. Often we expect to be able to write 3 new chapters of our novel a day when the reality is we're struggling to string more than a couple of words together. This expectation is only making the block more painful. Instead put all major projects to one side, pick something small, different and experimental, and see where it leads. After building confidence with a few of these short projects, work up to larger more ambitious ones again.
3. Start an ideas journal. The easiest way to keep creative ideas flowing to you like Niagara Falls is to capture them as soon as they come. Use an ideas journal to write down ideas when they appear. The more ideas you write down and capture, the more will appear. Your ideas journal will soon be overflowing with a diverse collection of new writing ideas you can't wait to explore.
4. Detach from the outcome. When you're focused on the "end product" of what you're writing and trying to come up with something perfect, it's easy to lose sight of the enjoyment of writing. Pick a new project and have no expectation of how it will turn out. Simple write freely, whatever comes to you. You'll come up with some gems of ideas as well as reconnecting with the pure enjoyment and adventure of writing freely and easily.
5. Take a few creative field trips. Visit places you've always wanted to, or places full of inspiration that stimulate your senses. Whether this for you is a walk into the depths of a forest, or a trip to an art gallery or bookshop, you'll be surrounded with ideas and new possible directions in which to write. Take your ideas journal (see tip 3) to record all your ideas for future development.
These are 5 top tips to help rejuvenate your creative writing, starting today. Which one are you going to start using first?